Dog Facts : 35 interesting facts about dogs
Dog Facts : 35 interesting facts about dogs
Today we want to give you Information About Dogs In English, this information is very funny and interesting. You can also use this information to write an essay on pet, My Favorite Pet Animal Or Dog.
Information of Dog in English
1. The nostrils (nose) of dogs are always wet and this helps them to smell the smell of chemicals.
2. Just like the fingerprints of us humans are different, similarly the nose prints of dogs are also different in themselves.
3. Do you know? There were a total of 12 dogs in the sinking Titanic, out of which 3 were rescued.
4. Dog's sense of smell decreases by 40% when exposed to extreme heat and while panting.
5. Do you know? Dogs are descendants of wolves.
6. You will be surprised to know that there are three eyelids in the eyes of dogs, out of which we can see two but the third eyelid is not visible because it is present under both the eyelids and in the corner of the eyes.
7. The smell of dogs of a species named Bloodhound is so high that they can be used as evidence in court.
8. Bloodhound dog can recognize the tracks of a criminal 300 hours old and not only can follow that track for 200 km.
9. Which is the longest dog in the world? The dogs of the Great Dane species are considered the tallest. Although the dogs of this species are 28-30 inches high, but a dog named Zeus of the same species has made the record for the world's tallest dog, its height is 44 inches.
10. Dogs love to play hide and seek.
Interesting facts about dogs – Information about dogs in English
11. Their ability to smell is 10000 times more than that of us humans.
12. A dog of Greyhound species can even overtake a cheetah in a long distance race. This species is considered the fastest dog in the world, its speed is about 70 km per hour. At the same time, it can run continuously for more than 10 km at a speed of 56 kmph while the cheetah can run at the same speed.
13. Which is the oldest dog in the world? The Saluki is the oldest dog species in the world. The fossil of this breed dog is 329BC old. In ancient Egyptian times, it was seen as a favorite pet. It is said that this species came from the ancient city of Saluk in Yemen and probably because of this it was named Saluki.
14. The practice of putting a barbed leash around the dog's neck dates back to the time of the Egyptians, at that time it was done to protect the dogs from hunting animals. It is still used today in a fashion room.
15. According to experts, dogs can learn about 1000 words.
16. They can also be taught to count and solve small mathematical problems.
17. Basenji is the only species of dog that cannot bark.
18. Puppies have 28 teeth in their mouths while adult dogs have 42 teeth.
19. Dog pups gain half their body weight in the first four to five months. It may take a year or more for the remaining half to gain weight.
20. The life span of a dog can range from 10 to 14 years.
21. Puppies are blind, deaf and toothless when they are born.
22. The bitch keeps her babies in her womb for 9 months before birth.
23. Within 12 to 24 months after birth, they come to their full size.
24. It is generally observed that the life of dogs of larger species is shorter than that of smaller species.
25. The sweat of their body comes out from their claws.
26. You may be surprised to know that dogs can be trained in such a way that they can detect cancer and other types of diseases in the human body.
27. Dogs are both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, they also eat fruits, vegetables and meat.
28. The eyesight of dogs is highest in the morning (morning) and evening time.
29. Dogs are mentioned 35 times in the Bible.
30. Dogs also have a sense of time and remember their routine times like eating, walking.
31. Their hearing ability is 4 times more than that of a human.
32. Dogs and cats have the same way of drinking water.
33. They see better than us in the dark and they can see the shadows easily.
34. Your dog can smell you and find out your feelings, whether you are happy or sad, they know it.
35. Dog is considered to be man's best and loyal friend and the history of this friendship is very old.
Information about dog - about dog in English We hope that you have liked this information about dogs, you can also do it to write an essay on dog.
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