Interesting information about dogs


You want to read 70 interesting facts about dogs? If yes, then you have comes to the right place! In this article you will find interesting and fun information about dogs.

You will not know why dogs often run after vehicles! Real dogs decide their territory by urinating on the tires of vehicles. When that car passes through another locality, the dogs there do not tolerate that smell of urine, so they start running after that car! And you may not even know that male dogs raise their legs while urinating! So friends tell you that they try to leave their urine mark as high as possible! Which makes them feel that they are tall and dangerous! Today we will tell you more interesting and fun information about it! It will be my endeavor that this post proves to be informative for you.

70 Interesting Facts About Dogs

1.Friends, the scientific name of the dog is Canis lupus familiaris.

2.Dogs are considered descendants of wolves, because 99% of the dog's DNA is similar to that of wolves.

3.There are about 500 million dogs and hundreds of their species in the world.

4.For security reasons, most presidents in America keep pet dogs with them.

5.The dogs of the Alaskan Malamute species have the ability to tolerate temperatures of -70 degrees!

Alaskan Malamute dog to tolerate temperatures of -70 degrees



6.US President Calvin Coolidge had more than a dozen pet dogs!

7.Most domesticated dogs in the world go yellow in the United States of America. 

8.Whose number is around 80 million! One in three families in America owns a pet dog!

In pet dogs, after America, Brazil comes in second place and China comes at number three.

9.It is believed that dog owners do not have the problem of high blood pressure in life.

10.For 100 years, the British royal family mourned the raising of Pembroke Welsh Corgis breed dogs. Queen Elizabeth II had 25 dogs of this species.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis dog of the British royal family



11.There are 13 types of blood group of dogs. It can also be of different types in different species.

12.When the dog's body temperature rises or while panting, the dog's sense of smell decreases by up to 45%.

13.A dog named Maggie, born in Australia in 1986, was the longest-living dog in the world, having died in 2016.

14.Species like Bichons, Portuguese Water Dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, Maltese and Poodles have very little hair fall.

15.Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Collies are considered prominent among the highly trained dog species.

German Shepherds



16.In general, dogs like men more than women.

17.Basenji is the only species of dog that does not bark.

18.Dogs love to sit in water and swim in water.

19.The heaviest species of dog is the Mastiff, which weighs up to 180 kg.

20.The world's smartest dog species are the Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever!

Collies Breeds



21.Dog's ability to see even in the dark is very good.

22.The speed of a dog running is up to 20 kg / per hour!

23.The hearing power of dogs is 5 times faster than that of humans.

24.Because dogs have 18 or more hearing muscles in both ears! Whereas humans have 6 muscles in their ears.

25.The smallest dog species is the Chihuahua, which is generally 6 inches in length.

Chihuahua smallest dog species


26.It is believed that about 25% of dogs snore in their sleep like humans!

27.There is so much acid in dog's urine that it can dissolve metals like iron.

28.Keeping a dog is illegal in the country of Iran. If caught, 74 whips are killed as punishment.

29.Keeping dogs was illegal in Iceland, but now the government has removed that law.

30.In 1910 the Border Collie dog breed was used for the first time in the first silent film, Jean Goes Foraging! Dog was done! Which is also known as Vitagraph Dog!

Hero of the first silent film Border Collie


31.Chocolate contains elements called Theobromine and Caffeine, which affect the nervous system. That's why chocolates are as deadly as poison for dogs.

32.A stray dog ​​is called a puppy and a pet dog is called a kennel.

33.The first animal sent to space by Soviet Russia in 1957 was a Russian bitch named 'Laika', but she died due to excessive heat in the spacecraft.

34.After that, in the year 1960, two dogs named Belka and Strelka were sent to space. And both were successfully brought back to earth as well!

35.The dog of the longest ear species is the bloodhound. The length of their ears is more than 13 inches.




36.The world's most expensive dog ever was a Tibetan Mastiff, which was sold for $2 million in 2014!

37.Dogs can also dream while sleeping like humans, when they move their legs. This is a sign that they are dreaming.

38.Dogs eat meat, bread, fruits and vegetables in their food with great fervor.

39.Dogs usually have pink tongues. But the tongues of Sher-Pei and Chow Chow dogs found in Chinese are black.

40.Tibetan Spaniels, a species of dog found in China, are the first choice of Buddhist monks for guarding.

Tibetan Spaniels


41.Most dogs' paws smell like corn chips because of sweat and bacteria on their paws!

42.Friends, do you know that in China, about 30,000 dogs are killed every day for meat!

43.Dogs are used in the army and police to detect explosives and narcotics. Because they can easily recognize the smell of the object smelled once the next time!

44.These dogs of military and police are also trained to track and detect bombs.

Interesting Information About The Lifespan Of A Dog

1.Dogs usually have a life span of 12 to 15 years.

2.But the life of pet dogs is much longer than that of other dogs.

3.Small breed dogs have a longer life span than larger breed dogs.

4.Smaller species of dogs mature more quickly than larger species.

5.The breeding period in dogs is usually 9 weeks.

Indian domestic dog

6.On average, a female dog can give birth to 4 to 7 babies in one breeding season.

7.Adult dogs spend 8-10 hours a day sleeping, but they are almost awake at night.

8.Dog babies sleep for 15 to 18 hours a day, because it is also necessary for their growing physical development.

9.Newborn dog puppies have closed eyes and no teeth!

10.Dog bites cause a disease called rabies in humans.

Rabies disease from dog bite

11.Many disorders found on the body in dogs are due to the long nails of their feet.

12.A 1-year-old dog is as intelligent as a 15-year-old man!

13.It is believed that 50% of dogs die due to cancer.

14.A dog's sense of smell is 1,000 times greater than that of a human.

15.A 4 year old dog has 28 teeth in its baby's mouth and when it becomes an adult, a dog has 42 teeth in its mouth.

Indian hound

16.Dogs do not sweat on any part except the toes.

17.After birth, the dog's body develops rapidly. Within 4 to 5 months of birth, they attain half their body weight. It takes them a year / more to gain the rest of the weight.

18.The best age for a dog puppy to have at home is 8 to 10 weeks old!

19.The dog is always loyal to its owner till its death.

20.Friends, do you know that the Government of India has also released the photo of this faithful animal on its 5 rupees postage stamp!

Postage stamp on dog issued by Government of India

We hope that you liked the information about 70 Interesting Facts About Dogs! Do share this with your friends! You can Like&share your thoughts with us through the comment below.

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